We offers a wide product range gloves, which now includes:
Nitrile Medical Gloves
GIONO Gloves Certified By:
Master In Hygiene Technology
Improving quality of life through GIONO professional Hygiene Technology.
Latex Glove Supplier Malaysia
1 item
Steam Generator
1 item
Water Dispenser
12 items
Water Filter
4 items
Providing absolutely clean water, GIONO filter block dirt and metal rusts from incoming water source and effectively remove particulates, contamination, pathogenic bacteria, harmful chemicals and toxic residues etc.
GIONO uses 100% organic ingredients in our water filtration system. We only choose natural purifying materials such as diatomite, coral calcium, coconut shells, bamboo and charcoal base activated carbon etc.
GIONO improves the taste of water by removing unpleasant tastes, odors, appearance and other contamination. Softens hard water with special resins that are highly effective in biodiesel filtration process.
GIONO actives and ionizes water as well as converts the giant water molecules into small hexagonal clusters. It helps in body detoxification by improving metabolism rate and increase cell energy effectively.
GIONO regulates our body pH balance by producing active hydrogen ions to neutralize free radicals in our body. With strong antioxidant properties, we feel younger, energetic, and our skin will even glow more radiantly, naturally.
GIONO understands most people demand an easy way of getting high quality drinking water. Therefore we strive to provide a total water treatment solutions, external as well as internal filters, providing the best quality water.
Purify harmful materials and get rid of the radioactive elements found in the normal water source while keeping minerals vital human bodies intact. Remove chlorine and all harmful heavy metals (aluminum, mercury, lead, copper & etc.).
GIONO applies the latest water filtration technology on our system to process water through high quality alkaline mineral stones filter and transform water into healthier alkaline water as it’s best anti-oxidant and pH level for drinking.
GIONO products are certified and accredited by local and international health and testing bodies. GIONO will assure customers that your product is
manufactured to conform to the nominated product standard.